Bill & Linda Klipp
After spending what felt like a life time in the Financial Services Industry we were able to retire and turn our life long interests into our passion and some say obsession. Our intense interest in the natural world couples well with our passion for photography and our love of exotic travel. Our hope is to create compelling images to promote an appreciation of the Natural World to help safeguard the biodiversity of the planet and the integrity of its natural ecosystems.
Our photos will take you to places like Antarctica, Arctic, Southern & Eastern Africa, The Galapagos Islands, Cuba, the Amazon, The Baja, Alaska, the Caribbean, Central and South America, Europe as well as local images from near our homes in Key West Florida and Discovery Bay California.
You may have seen some of our images in prominent national and International photo competitions, Gallery Shows or specialized publications such as Digital Photographer Magazine, Pro Digital Imaging magazine, Caribbean Travel & Life magazine, National Geographic Expeditions, Nature’s Best Magazine, Yachts Magazine, The Bay & Delta Yachtsman magazine, The Delta Sun Times, Brentwood Press, The Key West Citizen, various Guides to Discovery Bay, The Discovery Bay Annual Calendar and the Galapagos Conservancy to name a few publications